Superior Essex and StarCom Racing joined forces to raise awareness for the Napoleon township Police Department of Michigan. The officers work with a very limited budget and often rely on donations from local organizations to help pay for basic supplies. Currently, the men and women of NTPD need upgraded body and in-car cameras to better protect themselves and the citizens of Napoleon.
“The integration of premium technology has become necessary in our line of work. This comes with a price tag that does not fit into a small community police department’s budget,” said NTPD Chief of Police Duaine Pittman. “The advancements in technology for today’s law enforcement officers and cost of these necessary tools have made it very difficult for small communities to fit into an already tight budget. We are excited to partner with StarCom Racing and Superior Essex in a conjoined effort to raise the necessary funds that Napoleon needs.”
SCR alongside Superior Essex and NTPD Police Chief, Duaine Pittman, have turned to the people of America and NASCAR Fans alike to bring awareness to the department and help them raise funds.
NTPD created a Go Fund Me page that can be found here. We encourage you to head to this site and donate to the police department. All donations are appreciated, and no amount is too small.
The goal is to raise $15,000 which will be awarded in full to NTPD at the Firekeepers Casino 400 on Sunday, June 9 at Michigan International Speedway. The race will feature the 00 Chevy Camaro, driven by Landon Cassill. Superior Essex has donated a portion of their sponsorship to honor the NTPD by displaying the department’s badge proudly on the car.
“I had the very distinct pleasure of meeting Chief Pittman earlier this year at the Daytona 500,” said David Ducharme, global account manager at Superior Essex, “During our conversation, Chief Pittman mentioned how he had to turn to donations from local organizations to purchase bulletproof vests for his officers. It was at that moment that I knew the NASCAR community needed to stand up.” Ducharme says, “There is no other fan base that appreciates the men and women of law enforcement more than the NASCAR family and I knew that we had to do something to support this very deserving department.”
“The combined efforts of StarCom and Superior Essex provide a unique opportunity to connect fans of NASCAR and concerned American citizens in supporting a community’s public safety,” said Brian Ensign, vice president, demand creation at Superior Essex.
For more information on Superior Essex Communications and StarCom Racing, visit the websites and